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Event Sponsor Option/

Find Event Hosts

Here is an Event Hosts advert to Event Sponsors with all the necessary information and details about the packages available and how many packages available. All information should be disclosed in the advert such as description, date, address, target market, numbers expected, images, etc. On each listing an Event Sponsor can select a package and purchase it. All requirements should be in the description such as artwork needed and in what size and the Event Sponsor will be able to send all information as well as chat with the Event Host in the lead up to the Event.
There are currently 15 event categories, which are: Corporate; E-Sport; Expo; Festival; Fundraiser; Other; Promotions; Charity; Cultural; Private; School; Seminar; Sports; Trade Show; VIP Events. An Event Host can have an event in multiple categories, this will help with gaining exposure.
Featured Events are events that an Event Host has paid for boosting to get more exposure to their event. Featured Events include a featured section on the home page and in listings as well as social media posts on a number of platforms to increase exposure to the event sponsorship opportunities.
There is direct communication between the Event Host and Event Sponsor through different types of methods. There is an option between messaging on the order, zoom meeting, EventSponsor call or a normal phone call.